Take the Tradebiit Quick Tour

Signing up to Tradebiit is a big leap of faith and we get that. So let’s have a look at what exactly happens all
the way from the beginning to the successful completion in Tradebiit. We want you to know exactly what you sign up for.

1 Create a campaign

This is where it all begins. Match images, set up the campaign as you prefer, make sure that all texts are perfect in all languages, set inventory and finally prices. You can always go back and change things. You decide when you are ready to show your campaign to the world.

2 You are ready to send your campaign as an offer

Good. Now you can use the Offer Launcher to send the campaign to potential buyers (flash sale sites). The Offer Launcher lets you decide which information you want to display, which price you would like to offer, and who to send it to. Once you are ready, simply press send.

3 Site receives your offer email

Your offer is sent as an email to a site, but the email does not contain the actual file. Imagine how old school it would be if you had to send hundreds of different files to everyo... oh wait. That's what you do now. Well, in Tradebiit the email is a preview of the campaign with a link into Tradebiit and the full campaign. Let's see if they click it!

4 Site decides to see the full campaign

Great. They are interested. The email receiver clicks the link and is taken to a presentation page at Tradebiit.com. Each link is unique and tied to that specific offer. Every campaign offer will look like the one on the left. This is what the sites will see and this is what they will base their buy or no buy decision on. Sites love this method, because they save 2-3 hours of setup time pr. campaign. They say it makes them more likely to choose Tradebiit campaigns. We just thought you should know that.

5 An order is placed

Success! The presentation worked, and they saw that all products have images, all texts are translated to the relevant languages etc. Once the site makes a reservation you can manage it inside Tradebiit. You can also track it when the reservation becomes an order and an invoice. It's all there.

It makes sense, doesn’t it? And we have videos too. Check them out.

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